icon & ui design

Project Details


AgencyRevSystems, Inc

Project TypeIcon, UI, UX

Target DevicesDesktop / Screen, Web App

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Icons, icons, icons.

Wrapskins are adhesive skins for many objects: mailboxes, doors, walls and more. My first project with RevSystems, Inc was handling the user interface design for the Wrapskins webapp. Following the success of the interface, we returned to the project to review the UX for the entire checkout process, which was far from optimal.


This project had a very unique challenge - handling UI issues from concept to creation is difficult on its own but tackling new UI problems on an existing app with a set framework makes for a whole different level of difficulty.

I spent several hours using the app to see what the issues were with the existing icons: were they coherent? Were they easy to understand without labels? - After using the app, issues with the UI became very apparent. Following the usability testing came sketches, illustrator and excessive iterations. Ultimately, I was happy with the icon designs as well as their coherence with the overall app design.